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February Newsletter

Writer's picture: lhngslhngs

Updated: Jan 30, 2022

Happy New Year to you all!

Although I am writing this on a very cold, wet and miserable day in January the daffodils are already pushing up through the soil and, in the woods I have seen snowdrops in bud so Spring is on its way!

The committee are currently working on a programme of events for 2022 and are aiming to include guest speakers, demonstrations and garden visits, hopefully including a coach trip to RHS Wisely or RHS Hyde Hall. Details will be publicised when plans are finalised so watch this space and look out for leaflets, posters, emails and posts on our website ( and facebook.

These events will be in addition to our usual Spring, Summer and Autumn Shows, which will be held on 2nd April, 30th July and 1st October respectively. Our events will only be successful if supported by you, so please, don’t be shy and join in!

Our events programme kicks off with a Seed Sowing Workshop to be run by Lyn Cornelius with a provisional date of Saturday 12th March in the Village Hall at 10:30. Lyn will demonstrate what he has been doing over the years to achieve as much success as possible in germinating seeds. All materials will be provided (or bring your favourite seeds) so come along, be prepared to get your hands dirty and you too could be growing prize winning flowers and veg!

Membership for the new season is now due and remains at £3 for an individual or £5 for a family/household. Current members will be contacted as usual. New Members are very welcome, please email us at or call Marian on 781471 and a committee member will contact you.

It may feel like the dead of winter but there are still plenty of things to be getting on with in the garden and Lyn’s ‘Jobs for January’ are on our website blog ( and facebook page

Finally, as he announced in the November issue, Lyn Cornelius has now stepped down from the committee after many years of invaluable service to the Society. We would like to thank him for his hard work, expertise and enthusiasm, he will be greatly missed. However, as you can see from the above, we are very pleased that Lyn remains a very active member of our Society and is continuing to share with us his knowledge and great love of gardening!



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